Thankfully, as more and more research becomes available, the hot topic of all things gut health continues to have its time in the spot light. And for good reason to.
From taking supplements, to drinking and eating food there are so many ways to increase your update of pre and probiotics.
So how are you going? Me personally I’m taking every opportunity to add in a good dose and this recipe does that and some.
These super flavoursome flax seed and herb based crackers are so simple to make; plus they’re vegan, gluten-free and act as prebiotic! Then my serving them COYO based Coconut and Kim Chi Dip gives you an additional hit.
Why? Well COYO dairy free coconut milk yoghurt now includes COYObiotics® in every tub of the certified organic range. COYObiotics® is an exclusive set of bioactive plant powered probiotics & live vegan cultures, producing billions of active bacteria. Probiotics are the beneficial ‘friendly bacteria’ found in the gut.
How cools that?
Developed over a two-year period, COYObiotics® contains 6 plant based culture strains specially formulated to thrive on coconut milk. Several of these strains (specifically Bifidobacterium lactis & Lactobacillus acidophilus) have been backed by clinical research to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, maintain a balanced gut microbiota and promote regulation and enhancement of the immune system.
Gut heath specialist, integrative doctor and published author Dr Amy Carmichael sees a strong link between the gut and disease formation. “All disease begins in the gut and the gut microbiome is its own ecosystem. Probiotics are a catalyst to gut restoration and maintenance. Finding a natural source to get them is imperative as probiotics are short lived in the gut. I have seen probiotics help relieve abdominal discomfort, normalize bowel habits and even improve mood. They can be used in all ages from children to the elderly and COYO®, has produced something that provides them in a natural formulation” (Dr Amy Carmichael).
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