Success is a relative word. When it comes to meditation there is often no right and wrong, however there are some things you should know before you dive right in.
Learn about meditation
Meditation and Mindfulness teacher Luke McLeod wants everyone to get the most out of their meditation sessions. One way to do this, Luke believes, is by having an understanding of meditation and mindfulness before you start.
Luke developed, THRIVE a 4-week virtual course to helps participants to better understand meditation and mindfulness in a relatable and accessible way.
Offering support and guidance, THRIVE provides a grounding for participants to get the most out of their practice moving forward and Luke is always happy to answer questions that come up along the way.
Let go of expectations
Often referred to as ‘beginners mind’, letting go of expectations and preconceptions is key when it comes to meditating.
Approaching each meditation with a beginner’s mind allows you to see things from a fresh perspective and cultivate an attitude of openness and eagerness towards your practice.
Set aside the time to meditate
Setting aside the time to meditate is crucial because meditation is a practice that thrives off of regularity.
The more you do it the more benefits you will reap and the more it will begin to positively affect your life. Consider sitting for a few minutes at a time several times per week when you are first starting out and extend your sessions to as long as you see fit or have available.
Get Comfortable
Slightly raise your tailbone to improve your posture. Make sure your shoulders are back, spine straight and assume a neutral position in the neck.
You may want to consider sitting on a cushion to elevate the bottom which will also improve posture and allow deeper inhalation of the breath.
Embrace Distractions
Although finding a quiet place to meditate can help, particularly when you are starting out, Luke says it isn’t essential. “I think this narrative around having to be in a complete quiet environment puts a lot of people off meditation’ Luke says ‘because when something interrupts them they get frustrated and feel like they have to start again.
Therefore instead of trying to find a completely quiet place (which let’s be honest, it’s almost impossible these days) try welcoming in the sounding noises into your meditation. For example, if a motorbike roars past you when meditating, explore the different sounds of that noise. The reverbating effect it has as it trails off into the distance. Zoom into it and include it as part of your practice.’
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