Fitness In The City was born out of sheer frustration at the lack of fitness options that I myself wanted to do.
I wanted a form of training that made me want to get out of bed in the morning and one that motivated me to lace up my sneakers after I left work. Most of all I wanted to feel supported and encouraged- not just while training but away from training when my motivation levels dropped.
All I wanted was a little guidance and help to achieve my fitness goals.
Isnt that the point of so-called fitness instructors and personal trainers…?
So then I thought, hey, I have already studied Natural Health and Nutrition and you know what? I DO spend a lot of time researching fitness and health for my own benefit. Why not take it a step further and do these things for the benefit of others? Why not study and train to become a holistic personal trainer?
This is exactly what I did. Many hours, squats and text books later I become a Master Personal Trainer (cert 3 & 4 plus first aid)- here to help and guide you to make better, cleaner, healthier fitness choices (while also being realistic to our modern lifestyle)
So without further ado – I would like to introduce Fitness In The City, a home not only for fitness, but also nutrition, recipes and wellbeing posts.