A recent study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, has found that BOOBS are preventing women from hitting the gym for a range of reasons!

Women with breasts big and small have found that their breasts have stopped them from training because they didn’t like the way they looked while they were working out, were embarrassed by breast movement, or were just in pain from the strain of their bosom.

All women know that high-impact activity can be a real pain in the breast, but is there a way to prevent this?

Kate Allott, Head of Fitness at Anytime Fitness has shared her expertise on the issue, so all of womankind can hit the gym in confidence.

“First of all, if it’s down to the perception of your boobs and not liking the way they look – training is the quickest way to boost your endorphins, and in turn – your confidence!” says Kate Allott. “But, if you are in legitimate pain while exercising, there are plenty of low impact exercises you can do to ease the bounce that high impact training might have on your breasts”

Support and Padding:

Big Boobs

A good bra is more important than you think, not only for comfort reasons, but for safety as well, so allow yourself to splash out on a few good ones. Bras with separate cups decrease both side to side and up and down movement, reducing bounce discomfort and damage to breast tissue. It’s also recommended you layer two sports bras before running if you have a larger breast size.

Small Boobs

If you’re not particularly well endowed, never fear! There are plenty of bras around these days to give you a little extra cushion for that pushin’ at really reasonable prices. Being comfortable in your own skin is the most important thing, but confidence is key and if a little extra padding makes you feel better and gets you moving – why not!

All Gain No Pain:

If running and plyometric movements are too uncomfortable, change it up. Removing a jump while keeping speed and reps high will still keep both the heart rate and calorie burn up.

Back pain is common for many of our ladies gifted in the chest department. Building up core strength is vital for remaining pain free and reducing injury long term. Make sure you are including ab, lower and upper back, and glute exercises into your routine every week.

Posture is key, inside and outside of the gym. Regular massage along with consistent core conditioning will help alleviate pain. Treating yourself to a regular massage subscription like Massage Envy is a great way to make sure you are releasing your body of tension and keeping your body fighting fit.

Try this circuit, and bounce into a new, confident you!

15 reps of each, start with 3 rounds

  • 250m Row
  • TRX Row
  • Back extension
  • Loaded Glute bridges
  • 30 second TRX plank
  • KB standing oblique dips
  • 30 second Hollow Body Hold

Author: Kate Allott follow her here

Anytime Fitness