Today’s health power players are no longer just doctors or dieticians. They are smart businesswoman and men, tradies, bloggers, and health and fitness coaches – the new ‘it’ people on the health scene so to say.

Each week we will talk to a variety of inspiring individuals – from raw foodies, organic city dwellers, paleo peeps, nutritionists, bloggers & overall amazing human beings who actually practice what they preach.

Today’s Motivational Meet is Sharon Chung, founder of Notox Box

Sharon Chung Profile

For the people who aren’t familiar with you (or just want to know more), tell us a bit about yourself..

Hi, I’m Sharon.  I started my business Notox Box to help others find the best healthy & eco products in the easiest way possible. While sorting out my own health issues, I found I was completely overwhelmed. I wanted to eat clean, less processed food and I wanted my house filled with products that were free of nasty toxic chemicals.  I sorted out the products I loved through trial and error, talking to doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists and specialists, taking years to find the ones that worked best for me.

I learned to sift through ingredient lists, nutrition panels and really look at what was in my products. Along the way, I managed a health food store with over 10,000 products and got to try products all the time. I talked to suppliers and makers about what was going in them, and how they were made. I spoke to thousands of customers on which products worked for them, and met so many people on their own health journeys – from getting fit, to dealing with food allergies, depression, insomnia, anxiety, weight issues, infertility and cancer.

So many people wanted to make changes, to choose healthy better products, but were frustrated because they didn’t know where to start, didn’t have the time to read labels & ingredients, or run around to find great products.  I thought there had to be an easier way!

There wasn’t, so I decided to create it.  I wanted to create a way that was easy for people to discover new natural, organic & eco products, and to live healthy and happy. 

What made you choose the path of leading a healthy life and was there a particular turning point?

The turning point came for me when my body broke!

I had severe stomach pains daily, and bad digestion from my food intolerances, and they were getting worse.  I was tired, lacking energy and falling sick a lot of the time.  I had chemical reactions to all sorts of cleaners and sprays at home. I would use skincare & makeup from department stores, or wear clothes back from the drycleaners, and break out in a rash.  Something wasn’t right.  I spent hours reading labels and researching, learning from specialists, trying to get to the cause of all these reactions. I replaced a lot of the products in my house, and really looked into my diet, nutrition & exercise to make myself better.

What does your usual daily routine look like – what is on your ‘must do’ and ‘must take’ list? (rituals, food diary etc)

I love waking up to a fresh start. It’s important that your first thoughts for the day are positive. I find good music in the morning is a great kick start too.

My perfect breakfast is a green protein smoothie. It’s quick to make, super nutritious, and fills me up.  I try to get my exercise done in the morning, so my body gets charged up for the day.

Everything then varies each day including visiting suppliers, catching up with my team, meeting others in the health, wellness & digital industries, reading up on research, finding new products, and planning & working on new ideas.

At the end of the day, a cup of tea and a good stretch, helps me to switch off.

Notox Box

Let’s take a peek in your bathroom cupboard – what are your must have products?

Coconut oil – I can’t get over how many things I can use it for. From eye make up remover, to lip balm, moisturiser, hair serum. I have a jar in the bathroom and a jar in the kitchen.

Argital green clay mask – I love this green clay mask especially when I’m short on time. It picks up your skin immediately!  The green clay is mineral rich, so it’s great to detox, soothe and calm any skin inflammation.

Magnesium Power bath salts – I love a relaxing soak when you’ve been running around all day. Sometimes I just have a foot bath with these. It’s great for any sore tired muscles. I also use the Argital mud cream for any sprains, aches and pains – it’s like a natural version of Dencorub.

What do you always have in your kitchen (both fridge and supplements)?

Fresh fruit & veg – I love going to my local organic markets, or any food markets anywhere in the world. I love seeing how people treat produce and fresh ingredients wherever I am.

Coconut water – so refreshing!

For supplements, I can’t go without a good quality multivitamin and probiotic. I like having a wholefoods greens powder as my multivitamin, because it’s easy to add to my smoothie, and easy to digest.

How important is clean, nutrient rich food in your diet? Do you follow a certain style (ie raw, vegan, paleo etc)

Clean, nutrient rich food is everything. I’ve been around fresh food my whole life. I remember going to the markets before school every day with my parents to pick up all kinds of fresh fruit & veg. I grew up in a restaurant, and remember seeing everything being prepared from scratch, so I always felt very connected to good quality food.

I don’t follow a certain style of eating, but I believe in eating a balanced diet full of wholefoods, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, unprocessed and organic food whenever I can. I see and feel such a big difference in my body when I’m eating well.  I’ve worked out that what I eat is the basis for how my whole body runs, so I need to treat it well.

How do you like to move and keep fit? Is exercise an important part of your life?

Exercise is essential… we have to move more!

I alternate between cardio & strength activities each day.  I also sleep better if I end my day with some yoga, pilates or stretching.

Notox Box - Kids Box

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your health journey? These days we’re influenced by so many different sources – from friends, family, blogs, magazines and now even Instagram!!

I wouldn’t say one person has been my biggest influence. I’m very lucky, because I’m inspired by people I meet all the time. I love hearing stories from people who are taking action to make their lives healthier and happier.

Currently loving:

Time with family & friends – having your own business means you are always juggling your time over a lot of different things. So, I really value just taking time out, and spending it with family & friends.

Massages – my indulgence is having a massage. I have some of the best ideas during a massage. I think it’s something to do with both the body and mind being completely relaxed at the same time.

Sleep – nothing quite like a good night’s sleep!

Fave local cafe or restaurant?

My favourites are Bread & Circus and Kitchen by Mike. Both have a focus on simple, seasonal, healthy food and I like the canteen style.

As your parting gift to us – what is your favourite health product/holiday destination/retreat/exercise/recipe/tip etc (choose one and provide some info)

My pick for a holiday destination that’s both active and soul soothing would be Sabah, Borneo.    It’s where my Dad is from and it’s a magical place!

People live simply but happy, and it reminds me of how amazing the world is. I could swim in the waters at Sipadan every day – the waters are crystal clear filled with one of the richest marine habitats in the world – turtles, sharks and fish in every colour of the rainbow. Jacques Cousteau called it “an untouched piece of art”.  If you head into the rainforest, you’ll see incredible animals in the wild. I’ve been less than 50m from wild elephants, monkeys and orangutans. I really appreciate why we need to save the ecosystems where they live.


If you haven’t received a Notox box yet I highly recommend you get one, I have discovered many new items that are now in high rotation in my life!!

For more info head to:   


What has been your fave find in the Notox Box?