It is the season of the new years resolution and too often people don’t see their fitness resolutions through.

If you want to keep on track with your fitness journey in 2016 why not sign up to a fitness event? Not only will it give you something to train for, but it will also give you a specific date to work towards.

Having something to train for is not only fun, but it also encourages you to mix up your training.

If you are preparing for a fun run, you may start working on building up your kilometres, practicing hill sprints, interval training and running specific resistance training that focuses on your posture, legs and glutes. If you are planning on taking on an obstacle course, you will want to work on upper body so you can get yourself over the walls, core strength, balance and your running as well.

Here are 5 events to consider in 2016

Gold Coast Marathon

This year I trained a group of Flow Athletic members for this event and we all went to the Gold Coast and participated as a team. It was one of the best days that I had in 2015.

The Gold Coast Marathon is held on the first weekend of July, giving you a whole 7 months to prepare for it. It is a road race and best of all; you get to spend a weekend at the Gold Coast!

City To Surf

One of Sydney’s most iconic events, the City to Surf takes place in August and it has such an amazing energy. It is only around 14KM and the course starts in the city and ends with a party on the iconic Bondi Beach.

Prepare for hills when taking on this course. There is a hill in the last 2KM and it is a killer!

Bondi Splash and Dash

The Bondi Splash n’ Dash may only be a 3KM event, but it is a killer! Think 1KM running on the sand, 1 KM ocean swim followed by another 1KM run.

The event was set up by Bondi Rescue’s Andrew ‘Reidy’ Reid and proceeds go to charity.

Bondi Splash n’ Dash is a great event to sign up for if you live near a beach as in order to complete it you really need to change up your training program.

6 Foot Track

If you are someone who likes an adventure, the 6 foot track may be the event for you.

It consists of a 45km trail stretching across the Blue Mountains. Expect narrow and rock tracks, sandy gravel, hills and rivers. This event will certainly challenge you!

The race is a fundraiser for the Rural Fire Service and Six Foot Track Heritage Trust and it attracts over 850 runners each year.

Tough Mudder

Obstacle courses have certainly become popular in recent years and Tough Mudder is one of the hardest events available.

Tough Mudder is a marathon length obstacle course designed to test physical strength, mental grit and camaraderie. You are supposed to complete it with a team of 5=6 people.

With that in mind, it gives you the opportunity to get a group of friends together that will train with you and encourage you to show up to every session. No one want to be the weak link on their team and that makes training for Tough Mudder a great challenge to set yourself for 2016!


GUEST POST by Ben Lucas, owner of Flow Athletic, and a trainer for over a decade and is a former NRL player for the Sharks.