If their first release of active mats is anything to go by, then The Lucky Ones is a brand you will soon be seeing a lot more of with celeb fans already including one of our fave yogis, Ashley Hart. Supporting photographers and artists who are aligned with their brand, the mats feature images from Jason Reposar – [all things sex, grunge and rock and roll], and stunning ocean pics by Kerby Brown. Your poor old beige mat will feel lonely and afraid of the dark, left in the corner while you stretch out in a downward dog on a new mat that exudes inspiration and motivation when you need it most!

So who are The Lucky Ones?

Born where the Indian Ocean slams in to the West Australian desert, The Lucky Ones are happiest when exploring, and this energy and spirit flows straight into the range.

The Lucky Ones represents everyone from musicians to surfers, chefs to jujitsu trainers, lifeguards to mountain climbers and anyone and everyone who lives to be active. If you’ve got two feet and a heartbeat, you’re already A Lucky One.

Sold yet?

Well if that isn’t enough, the imagery will.


Ok let’s get intimate, tell us a bit about yourself and the brand?

The Lucky Ones is a capsule collection of printed active mats that focuses on turning a normally monotone product into a piece of art. Myself? I have recently been a bit of a gypsy, not really settling in one location between Kalbarri & Perth (along the coast of WA). In my previous life I worked the standard 9 to 5 grind and I came to realise that I didn’t want to spend my working life being bound by someone else’s timeline. Enter The Lucky Ones… Its been pretty great since our launch in August to see our product out there and being enjoyed.

How did The Lucky Ones come about?

The idea actually sparked from being homesick. Kerby Brown, a friend and photographer had shot some amazing images of Kalbarri, our home town. When I looked at these shots they took me home. This got me thinking how I could make this image/feeling last beyond the static shot. I then teamed up with a good friend of mine and now business partner who’s an amazing photographer and graphic designer in his own right, which after many a brainstorm, the brand morphed into being focused on the photo/photographer or artist, rather than just being another print or design without meaning or emotion behind it.

I think it’s pretty cool how an image can evoke different feelings. Repo’s images (the babes on the mats), although a little radical for most, are pieces of art, and inspire and motivate me to work out with a bit more intent than I normally would.

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Now for the hard sell… what sets them apart from other yoga mats out there?

At the risk of sounding like a Danoz-direct advert, and minus the free set of steak knives, beyond the images, the mats are really high quality. It’s a practical mat made from absorbent microfiber suede on a natural tree rubber base with no toxic chemicals or harmful PVC.

It can also be washed and re-used. Not only for yoga or pilates, but my friends often take them to the beach or use them during outdoor workouts or gym sessions.

How do you like to move and keep fit? Is exercise an important part of your life?

I like to mix it up as I get bored easily. I’m definitely not a crazy fitness fanatic, and more often than not, enjoying myself gets in the way of my fitness regime, but living by the ocean usually lends me to a few runs/walks up and down the coast, then a bit of a stretch or yoga on other days.

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your business journey?

Definitely learning early in my career that if you want to do or be something, you’re the only one who has control over that, you can’t wait for opportunities to come to you.

My friends as well are a bunch of really creative and inspiring people, I love collaborating with them and coming up with new ideas, it’s amazing to see all the projects they are working on. I feel like we’re all trying to live our version of a dream life, until someone says I can’t do it anymore, I don’t think I’ll stop.

Currently loving:

  • Tea – any kind, all hours of the day, get in my belly. My current fave is just a classic Peppermint.
  • Game of Thrones – I still haventt recovered from Jon Snow’s death. I’m a sucker for a good TV series, and a man with a beard 🙂
  • A really good stretch – clears my head, I feel like I’ve pressed the reset button after a little yoga session.

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Check them out below:




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