There are times in your life when even the simplest tasks, like preparing your food for the day, can be a challenge. When your ‘to do list’ is getting out of control and you say ‘yes’ more often than saying no. When you can see everything spiraling down… and before you know it, you’re holding your breath wondering how the hell everything isn’t crumbling around you.

Dramatic right?

But we’ve all been there. In times of ‘new’ (new job, new house, new baby, new fitness plan, new health kick or even a new week) it’s easy to drop the ball. Just add a dose of stress to that mix and usually it’s your nutrition, and therefore health, which is dropped first.

I’d say about every 4 months I get to this point, obviously not ideal in my industry continually surrounded by health goddesses, but… between work hours than can spread from 5am to 8pm, PT/bootcamp/coaching clients via Fitness In The City, writing, setting up a new business (little widling co), and add to that a side of online study,  it is easy to see why!

Yep I just got fatigued writing all that!

So, for the last 2 months I’ve been in prevention mode. Creating more space for me to relax, to get back into my own training and to say goodbye to the weight that crept on while I was recovering from my broken leg.

Enter my first saviour, Eat Fit Food.

Eat Fit Food packs

Who would have thought that 5 days of freshly prepared meals delivered to my door step could have such an impact, but it did. It created space so I could get through that “to do list”. It gave me peace of mind as I didn’t have to worry about preparing dinner at the end of the day, or find lunch after my rehab PT session. But best of all it gave me the nudge of motivation I needed to get back on track.

I road tested the new EFF X-Celerator program. Yes it’s high in protein, free from refined sugars, chemicals and all the other nasties I steer clear of, but what really won me over (as a bit of a food snob) was the taste and quality. It was nutritionally balanced, portion controlled (about 1400 calories), and did I mention they deliver it FRESH DAILY?!?!…sweet healthy food Jesus!

Think apple, cinnamon & chia bran pancakes with berry compote and coconut yoghurt or omelettes for breakfast, chargrilled salmon with broccoli, roast roma tomatoes, roast pumpkin, aioli and lemon, or lemon cajun chicken with quinoa tabouli, minted coconut yoghurt and lemon for lunch and dinner, maybe it was the chargrilled beef with with salsa verde, asparagus, peas and zucchini which was my favourite, but hey who can be sure!

Eat Fit Food pancakes

Bircher Muesli (1) LR

Eat Fit Food prawns

Chicken Green Papaya Salad (8) LRI still have another 2 months up my sleeve before I am due for one of those balls to drop, but you know what? Between my new training system (more on that later) and nailing my nutrition, I think I got this one.

Or maybe I’ll book in a 5 day Eat Fit Food cleanse in the new year, just to be safe!

Lee x