what are you waiting for?
Sometime I get stuck in this place of waiting. Waiting until we move house, waiting until I feel amazing, waiting until that new job, the new year – the ‘something’ which then signifies a change can take place. Do you ever get this?

For some people it can be waiting to Monday until they start eating healthy again or waiting (and finishing) the chocolate until they begin exercising. It can be as simple as waiting to get the ‘cool’ jars to make your own almond milk or green smoothie, that’s causing your procrastination. Maybe waiting for the right moment to quit your job to follow your dreams. Or waiting to meet that someone special until you can let yourself be truly happy.

That’s a lot of waiting.

Are you guilty of wasting precious moments on toxic thoughts that might be holding you back from present happiness? Just because you are waiting for the perfect moment?

I just caught myself in this exact moment while cleaning the house thinking about how good life will be once I move into my ‘dream home’ with a vege garden, floor boards (no more puppy pee on carpet!!) a 2 minute walk for the beach..oh the cooking I will do, how healthy I will feel, how clean the house will always be, so uncluttered and zen. I bet I won’t have to work as much, oh the adventures that are in store.. (you get the idea).

Reality check – life is awesome right now, and waiting for things to change to that dream scenario no matter how big or small is crazy. Can we honestly keep using that Monday start excuses for ever?

YOU have to create the perfect situation yourself by just doing it, until then it is just a thought that may never eventuate. Think how many opportunities you have lost?!

Me? I might not have that ‘dream house’ right now, but I do live in a pretty amazing apartment that I can jazz up. I can do a spring clean and recycle junk that I don’t need anymore, I can drive to the beach in the mornings for a run and the puppy pee.. well that is a bit tricky but I can get it cleaned and look into getting new flooring put in to keep my sanity.

Now I am big on lists so here are some of the things i have recently ticked off or about to do :

– photo-shoot for new website (done and dusted!! I was waiting and waiting until I looked ‘amazing’ and less camera shy, silly girl!)
– finding graphic designer for website. So much ‘uhming and ahhing’ and wasted time on this. I took the plunge and just went with my gut. Stay tuned for the results!
– I enrolled in another nutation course to continue my education. Yes I am busy but there was never going to be a time when I wasn’t so no time like the present.
– waiting for special occasions to get glammed up. My wardrobe (Lululemon and Nike gear excluded) is seriously getting neglected!!)
– waiting for the weather to be warm to go for a swim. I adore that refreshed totally free few seconds when diving into the water- why wait 9 months to get that feeling?!
– waiting until I use up all my old beauty products so I can use only 100% natural toxic free ones (I have a LOT of products thanks to goodie bags from my days at a record label.. time to give them to a good home!!)

I’d love for you to comment below on something that you have put into the ‘waiting pile’ but are about to tackle!!

No more procrastinating!!

photo credit: Î’ethan via photopin cc