Amelia Burton, SumoSalad fitness coach reveals: 7 easy steps to get trim at the office

Tag along!

No money? Don’t even like coffee? Tag along with your friends for a coffee break anyway. The stroll will give you a kickstart to your day and give you some fresh air and natural light. Oh, and you’ll probably find out some office gossip. Win – win.

Ditch the elevator

Use the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office is on the 20th floor, walk up 3 or 4 and then take the elevator. You use more than 200 muscles to climb a single stair. Just image the calories you will burn if you do this everyday?!

Actively commute

Make getting to your office a challenge. Do you live close enough to ride a bike or walk to work? Both provide aerobic exercise which increases heart rate and burns calories. If you ride the bus to work, try getting off a stop earlier and walking the distance. Drive to work? Choose a parking space that’s further away, and walk the rest of the way.

Put that snack back

Step back and don’t take that snack. We all feel the 3pm snack attack come on, but if you have a substantial lunch, you can get through to dinner with no worries . Try lunches high in protein which are full of salmon, egg and lean beef and add low GI foods to your diet, such as vegetables and legumes that will keep you satisfied throughout the day. SumoSalad offer a range of options to keep you going, try their Chicken, Kale & Lentil salad.

Get some balls

Chairs are out, fitness balls are in. Go against the grain and switch your chair for an exercise ball.

This will work your abs and balance. Oh, and it’s pretty fun too, just don’t fall off.

Cut the wires

Skip the email and hang up the phone. When you want to talk to someone in the office, make a point to walk up to them. Once a week, schedule one of your meetings over a power walk.

Go nuts

Join the coconut cult, and swap your soft drinks for coconut water. There are some great brands out there that contain no extra sugar, just 100% coconut water. Create a ‘snack’ drawer at work and fill it with almonds. Almonds deliver nutrients that will give you energy and keep your appetite filled until your next meal.


Amelia Burton is a Health & Fitness Coach on Ch9 Mornings | Personal Trainer | Speaker | Blogger | Product Reviewer | Runner | Crossfitter | Co-founder 12WBT

amelia Burton